Friday, November 12, 2010

Deployment Details

HOORAAYYY!!! I finally received my deployment information - it’s official....


I’ll be flying out on Sat, Nov 27 from Newark, NJ to Christchurch, New Zealand. In New Zealand, I’ll have a couple of days to get my extreme weather clothing and arrange a flight to the ‘Ice,’ as they say. Once on the Ice, I’ll be located at McMurdo Station, where I’ll have a number of orientations and then Snow School (basically basic training for Antarctic survival) before I take a helicopter out to the field site. Hopefully, I’ll be in the field by Dec 5. But inclement weather oftentimes causes delays. Nevertheless....I’M SO EXCITED!!

In just two weeks, I’m heading off for a once in a lifetime adventure. It’s an adventure I’ve never dreamed of experiencing, but I can’t wait. I’m traveling to the end of the Earth, and I wonder what I’ll find...


  1. Just checked out your blog, Audrey! Have a good trip!

  2. I miss you, Audrey... the office isn't the same without you! Have a great time! :)

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