Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year from Antarctica!!

Hi everyone! I’m back from the field! And boy, it’s good to be back. The first things I did were

1. put my ice samples in the freezer – it was a lot of work getting those samples, so I don’t want them melting on me now.

2. go to the galley to get dinner – mmm…I had a pear, a fruit salad, and a huge pile of vegetables. Probably the best meal I’ve had in the past month.
Here's the galley - basically a large cafeteria. The food here is amazing. 

3. grab my gear and head to my assigned dorm room for a shower. That…..was…..a-m-a-z-i-n-g. I’ve spent nearly 4 weeks without running water – that means no showers and no washing hands. To say that I was grungy would be an understatement. 

Here's a typical dorm room. This was my room before I headed out to the field. Small, but cozy.
Here I am - very excited to go take a shower. I haven't taken a shower for almost 4 weeks!

4. email friends and family to let them know I was clean (finally!) and safe.

5. bring in the New Year by listening to some music at the McMurdo’s famous ‘New Year’s IceStock,’ and then curling up in bed and going to sleep.
 Some awesome looking, ok-sounding bands.
 And some cold spectators.....

So, where to begin! I’ve got 4 weeks to write about, and I guess the best way to really share my experience is to break it up into sections: Arriving in Mullins Valley, Science, Daily Life, and Leaving Mullins Valley.

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