Thursday, January 6, 2011


So, I’ve been in Mactown for the past few days, taking care of a few tasks before our off-ice flight on the 7th. There’s a few things that need to be done in preparation before we leave: preparation of our samples for shipment back to the states, return of all the gear we used in the field to the BFC (Berg Field Center – Antarctica’s REI), return of all the scientific equipment we used in the field to Science Support and Science Cargo (Antarctica’s science REI), return of left-over food to the Food Room, and turn-in of out-brief paperwork. These preparations actually take a few days to complete, so we’ve been basically working continuously to make sure everything is done in time.
Going through our gear at the BFC.
Here we are, cleaning out tents at the BFC before we turn them in.
And, going through the left-over food to turn in.
Working in the office on administrative stuff in Crary (the main science building).
Besides that, life has been quite plush here in McMurdo. But surprisingly, I miss the field – I liked my down sleeping bag and fleece liner (it was squishy and warm). And I miss waking up and stepping out to a gorgeous view (McMurdo sort of looks a bit like a construction site). And I miss the feeling of being in the field, roughing it and enjoying the peace of Mullins Valley (McMurdo is a town with a lot of stuff going on – helo flights, trucks, and lots of people). The one thing I don’t miss, however, is the food. The galley serves some of the best food I’ve ever had – mmm…flank steak, King crab legs, lobster tails, fresh salad sometimes, and the deserts…..oh man. Don’t get me started on that. I definitely don’t miss the expired, packaged fatty foods from the field, that’s for sure. But, since I’ve been eating so much, I’ve also been working out a lot at the Gerbil Gym.
Run, Forest, Run

But, my time here is coming to a close, and I don’t know if I’ll ever come back, so I also took some time to wander around the base and surrounding areas. I took a tour of Discovery Hut, used by some of the first Antarctic explorers (Scott in 1901 and Shackleton in 1907). And I also took a walk out to Scott Base (the New Zealand base) roughly 2 miles away from McMurdo. I've been really fortunate to have had a week in MacTown to get a feel for what life is like here. McMurdo definitely has its charms. I’m going to miss this place.
MacTown is in the background. A small, but cozy place.

So, I'm set to leave tomorrow, the 7th. My bags are packed, and I'm ready to go. I've learned a lot here, but I'm excited to be going home. woot woot! Au revoir, Antarctica! Hope to see you again soon!

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